Creating an account
First of all, you have to create a FREE ProperMAP customer account (For information about the type of accounts, please see the FAQ). You can create the account here by selecting 'Create Account'. After activating the account from your e-mail and signed in, you can right click on the map to add the property to the map.
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Fields Description | |
*Country & City | You cannot change the country name and city name once your account is created. Country and city are important when the property items added by you are listed. Click on the link 'update' to guess the place, but be sure to verify the result. |
*Username | Login name. You cannot change it later, once your account is created. |
*Password | Password is (3-20) characters in length. |
*Confirm Password | Retype the password. |
*Full Name | Your permalink will be something like Also, your full name will be displayed with your property listings. So please make it short and descriptive. Anyway you can change your full name anytime in profile. |
*E-Mail ID | A valid email ID. Account activation link will be sent to this email address. |
Website | Optional webpage that gives an introduction. |
Owner Note | A common note/profile information applicable to all of your property listings. Owner note is used in search engine optimizations. So please give a brief and meaningful summary here, eventhough it is optional. |
Phone | Phone number with area code. |
*PictureCode | Verification code (in the picture) to avoid spammers. |
*Terms & Conditions | You should agree to the ProperMAP terms and conditions. |
*Fields are mandatory |
To sign-in to your account
Once you are registered and activated your account through email, you can login and add your listings.
![]() | |
Fields Description | |
*Username | Customer login name given at the time of registration. |
*Password | Customer login password. |
*PictureCode | Verification code (in the picture) to avoid spammers. |
*Fields are mandatory |
Adding a property/business to the map
First of all, you have to create a free login account. You can create the account here. After creating the account and signed in, you can right click on the map to add the property items to the map. For real estate property listing details, see here. For business listing details, see here.
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Fields Description | |
*Country & City | You cannot change the country name and city name once your property is added (or you have to delete and create the same property listing). Country and city are important when the property items added by you are listed. Click on the link 'update' to guess the place, but be sure to verify the result. |
*Name | Property name. This name is the title in search results. |
*Description | Description about the property, the most striking feature. User can search in this text. |
*Type | The main category of the property. User has a category to search. |
*SubType | The sub category of the property. User is looking for a sub category. |
*Purpose | User has a purpose of searching: Sales/Service/Renting. |
Building | Property address. Building name or number. |
Street No | Street number of the property. |
*Street Name | Street name of where the property is. |
Zip Code | Postal code. |
Phone | Phone number (if it is different from that of your login), with area code . |
Blog/Website | A link to more details about the property. For details about how to, please see here. |
Expiry(days) | Number of days the property has to be listed. The property listing will be removed after this much days since the date of listing (not the date of updating). Give 0 if you are uncertain about, in which case either you can put it later or you have to manually remove it. |
Video/Photo Link | Hyperlink to video about the property, if there is any. For details about how to, please see FAQ. |
Owner/Agent | Whether you are an agent or owner of the listing property. For details, please see the Terms & Conditions. |
Send notification | If you checked this option, an email alert will be sent to the subscribed mailing list (those who are subscribed for this location and category). This is a premium service. |
More Details | More details regarding the category of the property being added. |
*PictureCode | Verification code (in the picture) to avoid spammers. |
*Terms & Conditions | You should agree to the ProperMAP terms and conditions. |
*Fields are mandatory |
Using ProperMAP Context Menu for Map
When you right-click on the map, you get a context menu which you can use to add your property, to measure distance etc..
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Fields Description | |
Add property | A property will be marked at the clicked location. You can fill the property details in a new page. After saving the details, refresh or search the map to see the newly added items. |
Add property(map) | A property will be marked at the clicked location. You can fill the property details in the property-add dialog. |
See closer | Blow-up satellite view of the selected map point. |
Zoom in | Close view of the map (from the center). |
Zoom out | Distant view of the map (from the center). |
Zoom in here | Close view of the map (from the clicked point). |
Zoom out here | Distant view of the map (from the clicked point). |
Centre map here | Map will be centered at the mouse-clicked point. |
Where is this place? | Gives the address of the clicked location. |
What is the local time? | Gives current time in the clicked region |
Measure distance | A marker (distance marker) will be added to the map. You can click on the distance marker and drag to measure the distance between two locations (in miles and kilometers). Double click on the distance marker to remove it. You can use multiple distance markers and the total is displayed in the status-bar above. |
Search here | A search will be conducted for the selected parameters, centering the arbitrary clicked point. |
Using ProperMAP Context Menu for Marker
First of all you have to create a free login account. You can create the account here. After creating the account and signed in, you can right click on the marker to get this menu. You have to login for this context menu to be available.
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Fields Description | |
Edit | Edit the details of a marked property. You can change the property details in a new page. After saving the details, refresh or search the map to see the changes. |
Edit(map) | Edit the details of a marked property. You can change the property details in the property-edit dialog. |
Delete | Delete the property marker and all the information associated with it. |
Move | Correct the location of the property marker. |
Report Spam | Please report spam so that ProperMAP can cleanup and maintain quality content. |
See closer | Blow-up satellite view of the selected property. |
To see the details about listed properties
Just click on the property link in the left panel or the property item icon in the right panel. You can navigate through the tabs to see the details.
Fields Description | |
Address | Property name, its distance from the search location, when it is updated, and address. |
See Closer | Zoom the map to get a closer view of the property. |
lat, lng | The map location (latitude and longitude) of the property. |
Save to My Maps | You can save the property location information to your Google My Maps list. |
Permalink | Hyperlink to show the individual property listed in ProperMAP. |
Framelink | Get iframe html options to show the individual property listed in ProperMAP, in your website/blog. |
Report Abuse | Please report, if you think that this property is a spam. |
Directions - To Here | Get driving directions from the given location to here. |
Directions - From Here | Get driving directions to the given location from here. |
Fields Description | |
Description | Description about the property. |
Owner | Whether the property is listed by its owner or agent. |
Owner Note | Description about the listed property owner or agent. |
Other Listings | Other property listings by the same customer. |
Update | Last updated date. |
Expiry | Last date for enquiry and/or being listed in ProperMAP. |
Fields Description | |
Phone | Contact phone, if it is given. |
Blog/Web | Hyperlink to more details about the property. For details about how to, please see here. |
Video/Photo | Hyperlink to video/photo about the property. For details about how to, please see here. |
Contact Property Owner | A property linked message will be send to the property owner. |
E-mail this info to someone. | A property linked message will be send to the given e-mail address. |
Fields Description | |
*Name | Your name to contact. |
Your e-mail address to get a reply. | |
Phone | Your phone number to contact. |
*Message | Your message to the property owner. |
To(email) | Will send to the property owner. |
*Code | Verification code (in the picture above) to avoid spammers. |
*Fields are mandatory |
Fields Description | |
*Name | Your name to contact. |
Your e-mail address to get a reply. | |
Phone | Your phone number to contact. |
*Message | Your message to the person referred in 'To' field. |
*To(email) | Will send to this email address. |
*Code | Verification code (in the picture above) to avoid spammers. |
*Fields are mandatory |
Search tabs
Give the search criteria and see the search results.
Fields Description | |
SEARCH(+/-) | |
Country/City | Where (place) to search for property? Country and City/Suburb. |
Type/Subtype | What (items) to search for and display in map? Category and Sub-category. |
Purpose | Which purpose the items are listed for? Sales/Service/Rent. |
Within | How long (circular air-distance) from the search city to be included in search results?. |
Sort by Distance/Updated | Sort by the distance from the city / Sort by recently modified items within the given distance. |
Search ProperMAP/User | Search all of ProperMAP (property added in the given category and area, by all users) / Search only this user (all category and area by the signed in/given user). |
SETTINGS(+/-) | |
Updated within - days | Lists (in the next search onwards) only the items added/updated within the specific days. If you change the value, then click on the search button again. |
Circle of Distance | Show circle of distance from the searched city. |
Fit Items | Zoom to show all the searched property listings within the viewable map area. |
Fit Bounds | Zoom to show the circular search bounds within the viewable map area. |
Permalink | Hyperlink to show the current property listing in ProperMAP. |
Framelink | Get iframe html options to embed the current property listing in ProperMAP, in your blog/website. |
RESULTS(+/-) | |
Your location | The place where you center your search. |
Results | Please click on the links for more details about each searched property. |
Fields Description | |
Search Global | Search without considering distance from any location. |
Search Local | Search by considering distance from the given location (country/city). |
Country, City, Distance | For local search. The location and distance to limit the search. |
Sort by Distance | For local search. Sort the search results by the distance from the searched location. |
Sort by Updated | For local search. Sort the search results by the updated date (recently modified results coming on top). |
Fields Description | |
Locate Lat/Lng | Go to a given latitude and longitude in map. |
Search Zip Code(US) | Locate the given United States zip code in map. |
Driving Directions | Driving directions in map. See here. |
Street Directions | Street view with driving directions in map. See here. |
Subscribe | Subscribe for property addition/modification alerts for a specific area and category. You can create a FREE subscription account here. |
Subscriptions | Manage your subscriptions for alerts. |
To see the property add dialog in full
Sometimes a portion of the property add dialog may not be visible. You can drag on the map to see it in full.
If you are out of location in map
Click on the searched location or a property in the search results to go back to the original location in the map.
Measure distance between two arbitrary locations in map
Right-click on the map and select 'measure distance'. A new icon will be added in the map. Drag the icon to the destination to measure the distance between the two locations. You can add additional 'measure distance's by the same procedure. Double click on the marker to remove it.
Fields Description | |
Add Property | First create a FREE account, activate it through your email and sign in. Then you can right-click on the map to add your property location and other details associated with it. |
Services | Services provided by ProperMAP. |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions about ProperMAP and its services. |
Help | To get this help. |
Contact | Drop a message to ProperMAP. |
Directions | Step by step driving directions. |
iSearch | Item Search. Provides property items search irrespective of location and category. In global item search, you can find property by its name or description. In local item search, you can limit the search to a geographic location. |
Details | Show/hide more details available about the listed property items. |
Sign In | Sign in to add/edit/relocate the property locations added by you. |
Create Account | You need a FREE account to add/manage your property location in map, and to get notified about the search. |
Edit Profile | Change your account settings and password. |
Item search
Item search is to search for items by its name and description.
Fields Description | |
Search Global | Search without considering distance from any location. |
Search Local | Search by considering distance from the given location (country/city). |
Country, City, Distance | For local search. The location and distance to limit the search. |
Sort by Distance | For local search. Sort the search results by the distance from the searched location. |
Sort by Updated | For local search. Sort the search results by the updated date (recently modified results coming on top). |
Details about ProperMAP services can be found here.